Applying for Citizenship 

Naturalization is the process which grants U.S. citizenship to a lawful permanent resident after meeting the eligibility requirements. Obtaining U.S citizenship through naturalization includes filing Form N-400, Application for Naturalization. To be eligible to apply for the citizenship, you must be at least 18 years old, have been a permanent resident for at least 5 years (or 3 years if married to a U.S. citizen) without leaving the United States for trips of 6 months or longer, physical presence in the U.S for a required period of time (at least half of the 5 year period or 3 year period), and continuous residence in the state you live in for at least 3 months prior to filing. Further, you will need to demonstrate “good moral character.”  

You can apply for naturalization 90 days before your permanent residence requirement (5 years or 3 years if married to a U.S. citizen). Even if your green card is expired, and you have not renewed the card, you can still apply for naturalization.  


Naturalization Testing 

Naturalization process also requires taking the naturalization test to demonstrate that you are able to read, write, and speak basic English (English Language Test) and that you have a basic knowledge of U.S history and government (Civics Test).  

You are not required to take the English language test if: 

  • You are 50 years of age or older at the time of filing and have lived in the U.S as a permanent resident for periods totaling at least 20 years 
  • You are 55 years of age or older at the time of filing and have lived in the U.S as a permanent resident for periods totaling at least 15 years 
  • You are 65 years of age or older at the time of filing and have lived in the U.S as a permanent resident for periods totaling at least 20 years 

If qualified, you do not have to take the English Language Test, but you are still required to take the Civics test in the language of your choice. Further, you may be eligible for an exception to the English language test and/or civics test due to a physical or developmental disability or mental impairment, and you will need to submit Form N-648, Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions, along with Form N-400.  



시민권 신청 자격요건 

귀화 자격 요건을 갖춘 영주권자는 시민권을 취득할  있으며, N-400 양식을 통해 신청할  있습니다필요한 자격 요건은 다음과 같습니다최소  18세 이상으로영주권자가 된 지 5  지났고 (또는 시민권자와 결혼하였다면 3),  기간  최소한 절반 이상을 미국에서 실질적으로 거주했어야 하며, 현재 거주하고 있는 주에서는 최소한 3개월 이상 거주했어야 합니다또한, “good moral character”  도덕적으로 문제가 없어야 합니다 

시민권 신청은 5 또는 3 기간이 끝나기 90 이전부터 하실  있으며영주권 카드가 만료가 되었거나 연장을 하지 않았을 경우에도 신청하실  있습니다

귀화 시험 

귀화 시험은 크게 두 가지가 있습니다: (1) 기본적인 영어를 읽고쓰고말할  있는지 확인하는 영어 시험그리고 (2) 미국 역사와 정부 시험입니다 

아래에 해당 사항이 있으신 경우 영어 시험 면제를 받으실  있습니다. 

  • 신청할 시에 50 이상이고영주권자로 20 이상 거주한 경우 
  • 신청할 시에 55 이상이고영주권자로 15 이상 거주한 경우 
  • 신청할 시에 60 이상이고영주권자로 20 이상 거주한 경우 

위의 해당 사항으로 인해 영어 시험을 면제 받으셨다고 하더라도미국 역사와 정부 관련 시험은 보셔야 하며원하시는 언어로 보실  있습니다신체적  정신적 장애로 인해 시험을 보기 어려우신 경우, N-648 양식을 N-400 같이 제출하여 시험 자체를 면제받을 수도 있습니다