Removal of Conditions on Green Card (Marriage-Based) 

If your permanent resident status is based on a marriage that was less than two years old on the day you became a permanent resident, your permanent resident status is conditional. A conditional permanent resident receives a Green Card that is only valid for two years. In order to remove the conditions on your permanent resident status, you must file Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, within the 90-day period before your conditional Green Card expires. If not filed during this period, you will lose your permanent resident status and you will become removable from the United States. If you missed your deadline and you are late filing, you will need a written explanation on why you failed to file during the time period along with the petition.  

The purpose of the conditional two-year period is to prevent marriage fraud. Therefore, you will need to include supporting documents as evidence of the bona fide marriage. Some forms of evidence may include, but not limited to, proof that you have children together, evidence of shared financial resources and owning home together, joint trips, insurance, photographs and more. You can also submit letters, cards, texts, as well as affidavits from other people who know both you and your spouse and affirm that your marriage is genuine.  

Form I-751 must be filed jointly by you and your spouse. However, if you are getting divorced or no longer together, you can request for obtaining waiver of the joint filing requirement.  

Once the petition is filed and your receipt notice is issued, your status will receive an 18 month extension period while your petition is being reviewed.  


영주권 조건 해제 

결혼을 통해 영주권을 취득하신 경우영주권 취득시 결혼한 지 2 년이 안 되셨다면, 2년 기한의 조건부 임시 영주권을 받게 됩니다.  조건을 해제하고 10년 기한의 일반 영주권을 취득하기 위해서는 조건부 영주권 만기되기  90일의 기간안에 I-751 신청서를 이민국에 제출하여, 조건 해제를 신청해야 합니다 기간 내에 신청하지 못한다면 영주권자 신분을 잃게  수도 있고, 추방 명령을 받게 될 수도 있습니다만약 주어진 기간 내에 신청서를 접수하지 못하여 만료가  후에 신청해야 한다면, 신청서를 늦게 제출할 수 밖에 없는 사유서를  작성하여 증빙 서류와 같이 접수해야 합니다 

2 조건부 기간은 영주권 취득을 위한 사기 결혼을 적발하기 위한 과정이기 때문에, 신청자는 본인과 배우자의 결혼이 진실된 관계임을 증명하기 위한 각종 증빙 서류들을  준비하여  제출해야 합니다증빙 서류의 예로는 자녀공동 자산 (자동차주택통장 ), 공동의 부채 (모기지 주택 융자, 신용카드, 자동차 융자), 세금보고, 보험, 여행 기록사진 등이 있으며편지나 대화 기록, 또는 지인들이나 가족들의 증언문을 같이 제출할 수도 있습니다 

I-751 양식은 본인과 배우자가 공동으로 신청하는것이 원칙이지만이혼을 하신 경우 공동 제출 요건의 면제를 요청할  있습니다 

조건 해제 신청서를 접수한 후에 받는 I-797 접수증은 임시 영주권 기한을 18개월 동안 연장하는 역할을 합니다.